Berry curvature engineering by gating two-dimensional antiferromagnets


Recent advances in tuning electronic, magnetic, and topological properties of two-dimensional (2D) magnets have opened a new frontier in the study of quantum physics and promised exciting possibilities for future quantum technologies. In this study, we find that the dual-gate technology can well tune the electronic and topological properties of antiferromagnetic (AFM) even septuple-layer (SL) MnBi 2 Te 4 thin films. Under an out-of-plane electric field that breaks PT symmetry, the Berry curvature of the thin film could be engineered efficiently, resulting in a huge change of anomalous Hall (AH) signal. Beyond the critical electric field, the double-SL MnBi 2 Te 4 thin film becomes a Chern insulator with a high Chern number of 3. We further demonstrate that such 2D material can be used as an AFM switch via electric-field control of the AH signal. These discoveries inspire the design of low-power memory prototypes for future AFM spintronic applications.


Shiqiao Du

Tsinghua University

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