Quantum correlations in composite systems

Elisabeth Agudelo (IQOQI)


In order to study nonclassical correlations, a proper concept of a classical state of a quantum system needs to be defined. Given the richness of possible physical systems, it is no surprise that various notions of classicality have been established, each of which has a classical analogue in the scenario under study. We are going to review the emerging notions of quantum correlations in compound systems. Based on different definitions of quantumness in individual subsystems, we investigate how they extend to the joint description of a composite system. Especially, we consider the bipartite case and the connection of two typically applied and distinctively different concepts of nonclassicality in quantum optics and quantum information.




Colombian scientist; physicist working on Theoretical Quantum Optics, interested in quantum correlations in hybrid (discrete- and continuous variables) systems. I am currently a Postdoctoral researcher –Lise Meitner fellow– as part of the Quantum Information and Thermodynamics group at the Technische Universität Wien (Austria). Prior to this, I have worked as a researcher at INO Firenze (Italy) and IQOQI-Vienna –Marie Skłodowska Curie fellow– and as a Lecturer at UdeA (Colombia). I completed my PhD at the Universität Rostock (Germany), my master’s degree at the UFMG (Brazil), and my undergraduate at UdeA (Colombia).